Today's Happiness Quota: 50. I recently picked up Denise Linn’s book the Glory and Pleasure of being a Woman, as I am prone to do, and read a few pages at random. She suggested rating the top 10 accomplishments of your day on a pleasure scale of 1-100. This made me think of the 1-10 scale I’ve used here in earlier posts. I think I will give this 1-100 scale a try for a few reasons. First, it really allows for more thought and contemplation. Secondly, it screams for a detailed explanation (what makes a day’s quota a 75 compared to a 78). Lastly, I like the idea of having a quota in the range of 90-100, there seems to be something significant and substantial in those numbers.
Today's Happiness Quote: by Jacques PrĂ©vert “Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it.”
Today's Thoughts: My quota today is not that high but I don’t really feel depressed or low. I planned to start the year out strong after taking off the last weeks in December to only work on my book and not worry about blogging or networking or school or housework. Then my mother-in-law, Mary, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in the first week of this month and she succumbed to the illness quickly. I therefore spent the first part of the year with family, first in caring for this wonderful woman I had the privilege to call “Mom” for over twenty years and then in preparing for her funeral. This week I have allowed myself a little time to mourn, rest, and rebound and only expected to catch up with school. Class is tonight and although my paper might not be the best one I’ve ever produced, it is just about done. Now, I need to get back to work. Hopefully, soon, as I dive into working on the book again, my happiness quota will rise. That really is all I can ask for in living with the focus on the second chakra: I can take care of myself and my responsibilities - there is no reason to sacrifice one for the other.