Today's Happiness Quota: High - wrote this morning well exceeding my daily goal. Life is so good in so many ways.
Today's Quote: by Aristotle -To live happily is an inward power of the soul.
Today's thoughts: Today's date October 2, 2010 made me think about mirror images and how they are just different enough to matter. Actually it was the process of writing the date numerically that made me think. Sometimes the physical being I take care of, my body and my appearance, tells others that the mental and emotional being I am is sure, confident, and feeling great. Sometimes, though when I look in the mirror I can tell my mental and emotional self is not matching up with my physical appearance and vice-a-verse.
It's true I may be able to hide my issues from some people some of the time, but I know I don't do it all the time. If however I take care of myself mentally and emotionally the same way I take care of my physical appearance and physical body then those images would be less skewed from one another.
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